Monday, October 24, 2011

The International Quit Market and Festival is coming up and that means samples! Here are just a few photos of samples that I will have with me or will be at In the Beginning Fabric's booth (Booth/s 2200, 02, 2301). Extra thanks go to Paradiso Designs, Favorite Things Patterns and Anka at West Seattle Fabric Company for sewing some GREAT samples! I will have even more photos soon.
This is a brand new maxi-skirt pattern from Paradiso Designs.
I will list a link to their website once it is online.
I love skirts with pretty pockets. These are scalloped.
Another fun and brand-new pattern from Paradiso Designs. I especially like the removable shoulder strap.
Can you believe this is the back!?
So you can get an idea of size...

Why is this here? Because it's easily 15 feet tall, it's pretty and it's in my back yard - had to share. :)
I sewed this super comfy dress. It is pattern #3856 by Kwik Sew. No zippers. No buttons. Awesome.

This great shopping bag was made by Anka at West Seattle Fabrics. She used a pattern from the book, "One Yard Wonders" - but she doubled it.
It's all in the details. Love the button so the straps stay together.